Stand up, Support, Fight for Change
Discrimination, bigotry, racism, prejudice, violence, and hatred have no place in this world.
KensieMae stands in complete and absolute support of the Black community and every disadvantaged human being in this country against the reprehensible, disgraceful, and vile actions we somehow continue to witness in 2020.
KensieMae’s culture, values, and policies since day one have been about inclusion, collaboration, fairness, and equal treatment. While our growing team of 37 represents and works out of 19 different states, 35+ different communities, and with close to a 50/50 male to female ratio, the fact is that we are in an industry with extremely limited racial diversity, which in turn reflects in our own company. As such, finding the right words and ways to express solidarity and genuine support for change without hypocrisy is a must. And, words alone do nothing, ‘thoughts and prayers’ are empty sentiments without action, and we are well beyond ‘the need to sit down and have a serious conversation’ about the inequities in this country. From our corner of the world, technological evolution is insignificant and meaningless against a lack of societal and human decency evolution.
KensieMae, to take action, is proudly donating $20,000.00 by way of $500.00 to each of the nearly 40 communities our team represents. These donations are being made to local organizations and groups which fight racial inequality and injustice such as and Next, we are forming a team to take action on how we at KensieMae can help correct the lack of diversity in our industry. We are starting with researching the initiative or investment opportunities to bring coding and technology educational opportunities to disadvantaged communities. Investing in the future of our industry by providing opportunity to the untapped and underserved talent of those who historically have not been afforded that luxury is imperative.
We challenge our industry to join in if you haven’t, do our part, do more, and do better.