Ready to break through to
Encompass Web?

As we all know, change is often challenging. While the benefits of moving to Web are clear, success demands careful planning. Let our IDS team handle your entire transition process, from comprehensive assessment to streamlined workflow development and automation.

We've already helped hundreds of lenders transition to, leverage, and adopt web functionality.

Web Readiness Assessment
Web Transition Services

Let's get this party started

While some things, such as most business rules, are likely to roll right over to Web, others, such as custom workflows, automations, all of your
custom input forms, certain business rules, and any third-party plugins or customizations, will need some (or a lot) of work.
Web Readiness Assessment

Not sure where to start? You're not alone!

KensieMae experts review your current configuration, settings, plugins, tools, customizations, codebases, and workflow to analyze all gaps for your migration to Web.

It all starts with a thorough, thoughtful roadmap.

Get this party started.
Let's Go

Trust us. This will be easier than expected :) 

Web Transition Service

Partner with our IDS (Implementation, Development, and Support) experts for a hands-on-keyboard transition that seamlessly aligns all your needs.

You don't need someone filming themselves talking on and on and on and preaching about workflow as if it's some new concept while they focus on driving up YouTube subscribers. You don't need to pay some consultant by the word to put together Visio diagrams and swim lanes to give YOU homework.

You need a PARTNER that's right there with you, hands-on and actually gets it done. That's KensieMae. We've been doing this for years with a team of more than 30 of the industry's most experienced and trusted professionals.

A to Z Migration

First, let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill. This isn't hard, but it does need to be planned out, tested, and implemented well. There are a lot of moving pieces - we've got you covered on all of them.

Settings, Setup, and Configuration

Many/most (if not all) of your core configuration and settings likely won't need to change. However, assessing fully how you intend to use Encompass Web functionality is critical in determining what changes you need to account for, what rules or stops will need to change to be added, etc.

Workflow Development

Simply put, Encompass Web introduces new features and functionality in the process of manufacturing a loan. So, before you change workflow (or try to recreate an existing wheel) understanding the new stuff, what it may replace, and what your business will leverage is crucial. Maybe you don't need that custom thing you've been relying on because the web does it now... or maybe we need to rethink it because it won't be supported the same way as before!

Either way, understanding YOUR workflow (not how someone else thinks you should do it) and taking the opportunity to streamline processes and the way a loan moves from role to role, milestone to milestone, and person to person, is how we set you up for success.  

Business Rules

Costs and cures suck. Let's make sure there are none.
Stuff that can fill itself in automatically should, and your users need to be able to do the things they need to do, and not be able to do things we don't want them to. It's really that simple at its core!

As we move to Web, we need to review all rules, PAL, PAF, Triggers, etc, and ensure all the right stops, go's, must-do's, and controls are in place.


Why should someone have to do something that can just happen automatically with 100% confidence it's being done right? That's rhetorical...they shouldn't!

KensieMae IDS teams know how (and we mean really actually know how!) to dial in and maximize the native settings, automation, and functionality to support your workflow and help you get the most out of Encompass. And, where Encompass stops, we pick up - with an array of tools, solutions, plugins, and utilities to automate and streamline everything under the sun!  

Kick off your shoes (well, maybe not 🤢) and grab your favorite coffee mug - we're about to make your desktop and SDK migration the easiest thing on your to-do list!

Our team can ride-shotgun with you, or take the driver's seat and handle all the technical heavy lifting (and yes, we mean EVERYTHING) soup to nuts so you can focus on the other stuff.

Man kicking his feet up on a desk with his arms behind his head, Encompass Web Services
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