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A must-have for every system and Admin! This powerful tool transforms document access control, allowing you to manage permissions at the individual document level. While Encompass natively limits control to the role level for all documents, our solution empowers you to specify access for each document and user. Protect your sensitive information effortlessly - no more remembering to set permissions for every loan, every day.


What's new? We've supercharged our filtering capabilities with a 'Type' option, adding a much-asked-for level of document control. Now you can filter not just by document name and status, but also by document types like eDisclosure or custom forms. Plus, a newly updated UI that intelligently guides your workflow by highlighting only relevant options!


  • Advanced Filtering: New ‘Type’ option allows filtering by document types (e.g. eDisclosure, custom forms, etc. in addition to name and status
  • Streamlined UI: Updated interface highlights relevant options

No Brainer ROI: For every 100 closed loans, this tool eliminates 4,736 clicks, and more than 5 hours of manual efforts per month.


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