Doorbell is an indispensable tool, delivering efficiency day in and day out. If an LO steps away with a loan open or you need immediate access to review or lock a loan, ring the Doorbell. The user in the file receives a real-time popup notifying them you're requesting access, and if they have sound on, a 'ding-dong' to go with it! As soon as the file becomes available for editing, you'll receive a notification (and optional email) with a quick link to jump right in. Simple, effective communication and a huge time-saver. Period. Plus, with our latest enhancements, things just got cooler.
Users can now fine-tune their workspace with Doorbell's new features. Choose to disable the Doorbell sound for a quieter environment and follow a loan to receive notifications without ringing the Doorbell, minimizing interruptions for others in the loan file. You can also snooze doorbell notifications for a set period, helping you manage notifications more effectively. System admins also have enhanced control, which can disable doorbell sounds system-wide and specify excluded users (including bots) from receiving doorbell notifications, improving overall system management. Booyah!
ROI: For every 100 closed loans, this tool eliminates 2,728 clicks, and more than 22 hours of manual efforts per month.